
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Digital Collage

Grace of the Galaxies

The images included in this collage are a wide variety. For the background I started off with this slightly textured red picture, then added a picture of these black vines to add even more texture. After I added a few more things, I realized I wanted more detail back there, so I put in stars and a picture of some dark clouds to help blend into the other clouds. In the sort of middle ground I have two sets of mountains with a domed city in the valley between them. Dark clouds are over the city, like a storm brewing. I also have a sun tucked behind one of the mountains, and a clock face faded on top of it. In the foreground there is another domed city and a bridge leading up to it, with a horse drawn carriage heading to it. In the stars I have a few "constellations" including myself, an old fashioned train, a swan, and a police box. The rest of the scenery includes some plains with city lights faded on top of them and a purple river running through it. I also included various song lyrics blended into the images throughout the picture.

As far as changed go, I mostly used photo filters to change the images colors. Other than that, I applied a soft light to some images and text to make them blend in more to the background, as seen in the constellations and the clock on the sun. Most all of the images have been resized so they would go together well, and some images, like the mountains and the train were flipped so they faced the other direction.

At first I thought I would go for more of a view from outer space, but as I looked through pictures I decided to do a view from someone standing on the bridge, because I could include more detail as I went. I also added in the stars when I realized the background I had seemed too plain. the constellations were a completely random idea, because i had no idea how to add myself into the picture, nor did I especially want to, and it was the easiest way for me to kind of get around it.

Usually, whenever I add text to a picture I try to make it stand out, but this time I tried hard to make it blend in so it wouldn't be as noticeable. I also found that I was much less picky with my images as I usually am. I just saw something that I could make work and didn't waste too much time making sure it was the best possible picture.

What I am most proud of would have to be anywhere from my mountains on up. I think that the constellations, sun, clouds, and city in particular look the best and I think they're the most well done part of the whole collage. It turned out even better than I had hoped.

If I could change anything, it would probably be the carriage and horse. I'm not really satisfied with how it looks and it didn't come close to my initial vision, but I'll have to deal with it because I highly doubt any pictures that fit my vision exist. I would also make some of my lines cleaner where I cut images out.

This has to be one of my better collages, and I'm altogether very proud of it. I'm also very happy with the fonts I was able to get for my text.

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